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Relationship and Interaction with other Raukawa entities

There are numerous raukawa entities including Marae Committees, Te Rūnanga o Raukawa, Raukawa Whānau Ora, Ōtaki Porirua Trust Board, Raukawa District Council, Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Te Hono ki Raukawa, FMA8 etc all operating separately within their distinct area of mahi but with an overarching common goal to benefit members of Raukawa be it at iwi, hapū, marae or whānau level. 

There is a strategic desire for the Trust to develop and maintain relationships with raukawa wide entities and this is reflected in our Annual Plan.

In the coming years as our comprehensive Tiriti o Waitangi claim progresses we are expecting more formal interactions with Raukawa wide entities as we, Ngāti Raukawa, figure out the best way forward for our claims and the required Iwi/hapū structures.

Links to the entities mentioned above can be found here:

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