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Registration and MāoriMe FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

What is MāoriMe?

We utilise MāoriMe which is a web interface between our website and our member database.  MāoriMe allows you to interact directly with us and the information we hold about you. 

What happens with the information I load into MāoriMe?

The information is automatically loaded into our member database. 

What is your privacy policy in respect of information loaded into MāoriMe and your member database?

Raukawa ki te Tonga Trust has a strict privacy policy that means your details are kept confidential, safe and secure. We do not provide tribal members’ information to any third party.  Your information will be securely held in our member database and treated confidentially, no information will be disclosed to third parties without your authorisation except as required by law or with other organisations representing Ngāti Raukawa ki te Tonga interests. You have the right to view your personal information held on the database, this will occur with a nominated iwi/hapū representative and information can be corrected if necessary.

Why do I have to provide my whakapapa?

Whakapapa information confirms how you whakapapa to Ngāti Raukawa, and assists in verifying your application for registration.

Why must you verify my registration?

After received, each application for registration must be validated by verifying whakapapa connections – this is a requirement under our Trust Deed. Applications for registration may not be accepted if insufficient or incorrect whakapapa information has been supplied. If there is difficulty with verification of registration details, we will contact you.

How old do I have to be to register?

You must be 18 years + to register. 

What about my children?

You can add children under 18 years on your MāoriMe profile. When children turn 18 they will automatically be transferred to adult membership. Children aged 18 years +, who haven’t been added through your Māorime profile when they were under 18, must register themselves.

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